Intersectionality Social Justice

“Pussy Riot” for Inauguration Day: It’s all about the Beer

So, I’m scrolling through my  FaceBook feed the other day and came across an article about women brewers combining efforts to create a “Pussy Riot” beer just in time for the Trump inauguration.  I just knew—OK, I hoped—one of my former students was involved.  And I was right! Jen Cuesta (’14) is a lawyer by day, brewer by night.  With friends Kate Power and Betsy Lay in Denver, Colorado, she co-founded Lady Justice Brewing (Lady J),  one of the brewers toasting to a better world as the 45th President takes the oath of office.

Kate Power, Jen Cuesta, and Betsy Lay/Photo by the American Homebrewers Association

Lady J is a “philanthropic brewery”– 100% of its  profits for the new beer it debuts at tomorrow’s event, “Making Noise:  A Pussy Riot Beer,” will go  to the ACLU.  I was curious about how a recent law graduate wound up brewing beer for social justice on Inauguration Day, no less.  So I contacted Jen. An edited version of my interview follows.

Who and/or what is Lady Justice Brewing?

Lady Justice Brewing is a philanthropic brewery that donates all its profits over costs through a grant-making process to Colorado-based community organizations that promote the status and opportunity of women and girls. Lady J is also a L3C, a limited liability, low-profit company. It is a new tax designation that combines different parts of a for-profit company with the charitable goal of a non-profit.